TWB Cellar Limited (trading as The Wine Box) Best Price Guarantee Secondary Title

At TWB Cellar Limited (trading as The Wine Box), we work hard to ensure we offer the very best prices in the market and never inflate our prices in order to offer artificial ‘discounts’. We regularly check our competitors' prices to ensure we match their prices or in most cases offer a better price. If a customer can find a retailer offering a better price on the wines our wines - tagged "best guarantee" on the website (Including VAT and delivery fee) we guarantee to match the price.

Best Price Guarantee (2)

All Best Price Guarantee claims must be made prior to placing your order. Competitor’s pricing must be available to the public (not available on special pricing for selected customers) and verifiable by TWB Cellar Limited (trading as The Wine Box). A discount voucher will be issued by TWB Cellar Limited (trading as The Wine Box) when verified and we reserve the right to deny claims at our sole discretion. Best Price Guarantee cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount from TWB Cellar Limited (trading as The Wine Box). Competitor’s products must be identical and priced for the same quantity, not available on commercial quantities.