Mermaid Pink Gin 0.7L
KShs8,820 incl. of VAT
Mermaid Pink Gin is a delightful and visually stunning gin crafted by the Isle of Wight Distillery, situated on the beautiful Isle of Wight, UK. This gin is a vibrant and contemporary expression that takes inspiration from the island’s coastal surroundings and is infused with a selection of botanicals, including strawberries and other red fruits. Mermaid Pink Gin offers a delightful fusion of fruity and floral notes, making it a refreshing and inviting choice for gin enthusiasts.
About the Distillery
The Isle of Wight Distillery is a small craft distillery known for its dedication to using locally sourced and sustainable ingredients to produce high-quality spirits. The distillery’s location on the Isle of Wight, surrounded by the sea, heavily influences the character of their gins.
How this product is made
Botanicals: Mermaid Pink Gin is made using a base of classic gin botanicals, such as juniper, coriander, citrus peel, and others. Additionally, red fruits like strawberries and other botanicals are selected to impart a pink hue and fruity flavors.
Maceration: The chosen botanicals, including the red fruits, are macerated in a high-quality neutral spirit, allowing the flavors and colors to infuse into the liquid.
Distillation: After maceration, the infused spirit is distilled in traditional copper pot stills. The distillation process extracts the desired flavors and creates a smooth and flavorful gin.
Cut: The distiller carefully selects the best portion of the distillate, known as the “”heart”” cut, for bottling. This ensures that only the finest and most flavorful gin makes it into the final product.
Alcohol Content and Bottling: The gin is typically diluted to the desired alcohol by volume (ABV) using pure water, creating a balanced and approachable gin. Once the desired profile is achieved, the gin is bottled and prepared for distribution.
Technical Details
Appearance: Mermaid Pink Gin displays a lovely pale pink color, reflecting the influence of the red fruits used in the infusion.
Nose: The aroma is fresh and fruity, with prominent notes of ripe strawberries, complemented by floral and citrus undertones from the traditional botanicals.
Palate: On the palate, the gin offers a delicious blend of sweet strawberries and other red fruits, balanced by juniper and a touch of citrus, creating a harmonious and vibrant flavor profile.
Finish: The finish is smooth and refreshing, with the fruity notes lingering pleasantly on the palate.
Alcohol Content:
The alcohol by volume (ABV) of Mermaid Pink Gin typically falls around 38% to 42%, which is standard for many premium gins.
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